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Strategic Points to Place Your Commercial Security Guards

Strategic Points to Place Your Commercial Security Guards

Ensuring the safety and security of your commercial property is essential for protecting your assets, employees, and customers.

One of the most effective ways to enhance commercial security is by strategically placing security guards throughout your property. Here, we will discuss key areas where placing security guards can make a significant difference.

This guide will help you understand where and why you should position your security personnel to maximize their effectiveness.

Securing Entrances and Exits: Essential Strategies for Commercial Security


Why it’s important:

Entrances and exits are the primary points of access to your property. Controlling these points is crucial to prevent unauthorized entry and to monitor who comes in and out.


Where to place guards:

  • Main Entrance: The main entrance is typically the busiest point, and having a guard here can deter potential intruders and help manage the flow of visitors.
  • Side and Back Entrances: These are often less monitored and can be targeted by intruders. Placing guards here ensures comprehensive coverage.
  • Parking Lot Entrances: Monitoring the entry and exit points of your parking lot helps in spotting suspicious activities and managing vehicle access.


Additional tips:

- Use a sign-in/sign-out process for visitors and staff.

- Ensure guards are trained in customer service to assist visitors professionally.


Reception Area


Why it’s important:

The reception area is often the first point of contact for visitors. A security presence here can provide a sense of safety and help manage visitor access.


Where to place guards:

Front Desk: A guard near the reception desk can check IDs, handle visitor logs, and respond to any immediate threats.

Lobby Area: Patrolling the lobby can deter loitering and help spot any unusual activities.


Additional tips:

- Integrate the guard’s duties with the reception staff for seamless visitor management.

- Equip the guard with communication devices to report incidents promptly.


Commercial Security Essentials: Safeguarding Property Perimeters for Business Protection


Why it’s important:

Securing the perimeter is your first line of defense against unauthorized access and potential threats.


Where to place guards:

- Fenced Boundaries: Station guards at regular intervals along fenced or walled boundaries to monitor for breaches.

- Gates and Barriers: Guards should man gates and barriers to control vehicle and pedestrian access.

- Patrol Routes: Establish regular patrol routes around the perimeter to detect and deter intruders.


Additional tips:

- Use surveillance cameras to complement the guards’ patrols.

- Install adequate lighting around the perimeter to enhance visibility at night.


Parking Lot Security: Strategies for Safe and Secure Commercial Spaces


Why it’s important:

Parking areas are common targets for theft and vandalism. Monitoring these areas can help prevent such crimes and ensure the safety of vehicles and individuals.


Where to place guards:

- Entry and Exit Points: As mentioned earlier, control who enters and exits the parking facilities.

- Levels and Corners: In multi-level garages, placing guards at strategic points such as corners and levels can increase visibility and deterrence.

- Patrols: Regular patrols through the parking areas can deter criminal activities and provide Commercial security.


Additional tips:

- Implement surveillance systems in parking areas.

- Provide emergency call stations in parking lots for immediate assistance.


Critical Asset Areas


Why it’s important:

Areas, where high-value assets, sensitive information, or critical operations are housed, require extra security to prevent theft, sabotage, or unauthorized access.


Where to place guards:

- Server Rooms: These contain vital data and equipment; restrict access and monitor continuously.

- Storage Areas: Guard locations where valuable inventory or supplies are stored.

- Financial Offices: Ensure areas where financial transactions occur are secure.


Additional tips:

- Use access control systems with guards verifying credentials.

- Regularly audit security protocols for these sensitive areas.


Common Areas


Why it’s important:

Common areas like break rooms, restrooms, and cafeterias can be gathering points for staff and visitors. These areas should be monitored to maintain safety and order.


Where to place guards:

- Cafeterias and Dining Areas: The presence here can manage large groups and prevent conflicts.

- Restrooms: Ensure these areas are monitored to prevent vandalism and unauthorized access.

- Break Rooms: Guards can deter misuse of facilities and ensure rules are followed.


Additional tips:

- Rotate guards to cover various common areas throughout the day.

- Use surveillance to support the guards’ monitoring efforts.


Loading Docks and Delivery Areas


Why it’s important:

These areas are critical for business operations and can be vulnerable to theft, tampering, or unauthorized access.


Where to place guards:

- Loading Docks: Station guards monitor the loading and unloading of goods, ensuring only authorized personnel are involved.

- Delivery Entrances: Control and verify deliveries, checking credentials and logging activities.


Additional tips:

- Coordinate with logistics staff to ensure smooth operations.

- Implement surveillance and lighting to support guards in these areas.


Event Spaces


Why it’s important:

If your property hosts events, these areas can attract large crowds, increasing the risk of incidents.


Where to place guards:

- Entry Points: Check tickets and credentials to manage access.

- Crowd Control: Station guards throughout the event space to manage and monitor crowds.

- Emergency Exits: Ensure guards are present to facilitate safe evacuations if needed.


Additional tips:

- Plan commercial security measures specific to each event.

- Coordinate with event organizers for seamless security management.


Emergency Exits and Stairwells


Why it’s important:

These areas need to be accessible in emergencies but secure from unauthorized use.


Where to place guards:

- Stairwells: Monitor for unauthorized access and use.

- Emergency Exits: Ensure exits are clear and only used in emergencies.


Additional tips:

- Regularly check and maintain emergency exits.

- Train guards in emergency procedures.


Optimizing Safety: Surveillance and Control Rooms in Commercial Security


Why it’s important:

These rooms are where security operations are managed. Protecting them ensures that your overall security measures are effective

Where to place guards:

- Entrance to Control Rooms: Restrict access to authorized personnel only.

- Within Control Rooms: Security Guards can monitor surveillance feeds and coordinate responses to incidents.


Additional tips:

- Implement stringent access controls.

- Ensure guards are trained in operating surveillance and communication equipment.




Strategically placing security guards at these key points can significantly enhance the safety and commercial security.

By understanding the importance of each area and employing guards effectively, you can create a secure environment that protects your assets, employees, and visitors.

Remember, security is not just about presence but also about the strategic deployment of resources.

Regular assessments and updates to your security strategy are essential to adapt to new threats and ensure ongoing protection. If you want to learn more about commercial security guard services, get in touch with us at Ontyme Security Guards. We deliver security guard services for your businesses and commercial facilities.



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